On October 25th 2022, we joined in the 2nd CCAM Multicluster meeting held in Brussels and organised by CCAM Association. It has been a unique experience to meet with more than 100 fellow members from all over Europe and introduce the SINFONICA Project to a large international audience.
The CCAM Association is an association based in Brussels that promotes research on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and SINFONICA is the brand-new EU project that puts at the heart of its work CCAM users, including vulnerable ones, transport operators, etc. with the aim to identify their needs, desires and concerns related to CCAM. This focus proves crucial to enhance decision-makers ability to design the right policies for an inclusive and user-friendly technology.
During the Multicluser meeting, SINFONICA has joined the Cluster 6, identified by CCAM Association as the cluster grouping “Societal aspects and user needs”, in fact, the project was introduced to the audience to strengthen the link with the CCAM SRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) Objectives.
During the event, there has been the opportunity to network and brainstorm with like-minded partners on the future of CCAM and the adherence of the EU projects to the SRIA Objectives.
Certainly, it has been a great experience with lots of fundamental inputs and renewed optimism for the future of CCAM.