Mobility Management OVer Europe: Changing Mobility Patterns 

MMOVE aimed to improve the effectiveness of sustainable mobility policies implemented by local authorities in small and medium-sized cities in Europe and to improve awareness amongst regional level policymakers of the importance of supporting these policies within regional development frameworks.

MMOVE supports interregional exchange on sustainable mobility policies for medium-sized European cities (populations 50-250000). Through networking , analysis of best practices and a series of Study Visits, MMOVE raised the level of knowledge and awareness of mobility management innovations. 

Something to Know About MMOVE


10/2008 – 12/2011


The MMOVE partnership incorporated 9 local authorities from medium-sized cities, 1 region and 1 Municipal Agency. 8 EU states, including 2 new member states were represented, with a broad geographical and cultural diversity. Several of the Northern European partners bring best practices and expertise in mobility management and methodologies.

Ultimately, MMOVE aims to influence regional authority policymaking by providing mobility management solutions which helped small and medium-sized cities make the best use of their mobility infrastructure and services. Good practices and findings were collated and classified coherently in the form of a permanent online toolbox for municipalities and transport planners across Europe.


Within the MMOVE project, ICOOR was subcontractor of the Municipality of Modena and Reggio Emilia, coordination of component 3 related to the transferability of Best Practices on sustainable mobility.

ICOOR members: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Mmove Contact

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