Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks
ELVITEN demonstrates the usefulness of light electric vehicles for urban transportation focusing on bicycles, scooters, tricycles and quadricycles (EL-VS). ELVITEN team works for more innovative, more sustainable and more connected urban mobility in Europe, aiming to propose replicable usage schemes for EL-Vs.
The ELVITEN consortium unites 21 partners from multiple European countries.
Something to Know About ELVITEN
10/2017 – 10/2020
- Commit to more innovative and more sustainable transportation in Europe.
- Support shared electric mobility for urban travellers and delivery companies.
- Pursue smooth market deployment for a greener urban future.
- Demonstrate the advantages of EL-Vs in six European cities.
- Integrate existing charging stations into in a wide, open platform for users.
- Incentivise the use of EL-Vs for occasional and regular urban travellers through easy-access tools.
- Analyse trip and user data to make recommendations available to public authorities in other European cities.
ICOOR analyses mobility demand for Bari and supports the definition of the usage schemes. ICOOR is the WP2 leader, focusing on the baseline analysis. Moreover, ICOOR supports the Bari demonstration on technical issues and as regards data collection and users’ engagement. Finally, ICOOR is strongly involved in the evaluation of the project, performing the cost benefit analysis and the scale up model.
Members: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
ELVITEN in Numbers
ELVITEN Contacts

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ICOOR and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.