ICOOR among the speakers of the Automotive Week 2023
Dive Session about the “Transition in Public Transport due to Digitalisation and Urbanisation”
The automotive week is a leading event in the technology and innovation sector organised at the Automotive Campus in Helmond, in the Netherlands. Each year, it summons mobility stakeholders from all over Europe for a 3-days conference about the future mobility challenges and the state-of-the-art on the latest mobility technologies. The event is open to general visitors and professionals alike and this year it was preceded by a talent fair where companies and job seekers could match their potentials.
Each day, the event was characterised by a specific topic. On the first day, on April 17 th, 2023, it was organised the “Grand Opening” with institutional greetings and a focus of the general overview of the state-of-the-art of mobility at the policy level as well as at the industrial level. On the second day, on April 18 th , 2023, the focus was on “Mobility in the Digital Society”, with a specific alignment on the role of digital and IT in the creation of smart and sustainable mobility systems. On the third and last day, on April 19 th, 2023, the focus was on “Mobility in a Zero Emission Future”, the discussion gathered around the solutions related to the alternative energy sources in mobility, like battery management.
ICOOR – The Interuniversity Consortium on Operational Research – participated in the Automotive Week 2023 as a key speaker during the first round of deep dive sessions organised on the second day of the event, named “Transition in Public Transport due to Digitalisation and Urbanisation”. During this session, ICOOR was represented by Giulia Renzi, project manager and technical coordinator of SINFONICA, an Horizon project focused on CCAM technologyand CCAM users.
The Deep Dive Session 1 saw a panel of four experts in the mobility sector, Dami Adebayo and Menno Van Der Zee, The Routing Company, Giulia Renzi, ICOOR and Guido Di Pasquale, PAVE Europe. The session took place during the second day of the event within the deep dive session workshops.
The session investigated the role of IT as an enabler in the mobility sector and its relationship with mobility stakeholders. In particular, the session stressed the role played by trust towards IT and its applications. Great attention was devoted to the cybersecurity risks and the so-called “rest-risk” and how to apply the lessons learned in other industries, such as the banking sector, to the mobility sector.
ICOOR contributed to the discussion leveraging its expertise about CCAM and its influence in creating a more equal society. Thanks to the experience deriving from the SINFONICA project, it was possible to highlight key advantages and levels of criticalities within the implementation digital solutions with a particular regard on stakeholders belonging to vulnerable groups.
Moreover, the presence of Noord Brabandt, was a valuable addition to the presentation given the importance it covers on the SINFONICA project. Noord Brabandt indeed represents one of the four GoI (Group of Interest) of SINFONICA and is going to engage in a bottom-up approach to enhance the research about the perception of vulnerable CCAM users.